M-am intristat enorm de mult si m-am regasit in aceasta melodie, e cantecul momentului pentru mine, fix pe rana, nu stiu daca actioneaza ca medicament sau ca solutie acida pentru a sapa mai mult in rana, stiu doar ca exprima ce am eu in suflet.

Fericirea nu e ptr mine si daca am un moment de fericire imediat trebuie sa il astept si pe cel de nefericire. Nu am voie sa spun da, imi e bine, caci va trebui sa imi astept palma peste chip in semn de trezire.

E in regula, acum nu imi e bine dar imi pastrez un zambet in colt de gura, sarcasmul deja bine definit si inainte cu tupeu.

Artist : Adele. – http://versuri.isfree.org
Versuri – Lyrics : Take it all.

sau aici live

Didn’t I give it all?
Tried my best
Gave you everything I had
Everything and no less
Didn’t I do it right
Did I let you down

Maybe you got too used to
By having me around
Still how can you walk away
From all my tears.
It’s gonna be an empty road
Without me right here

But go on and take it
Take it all with you
Don’t look back
At this crumbling fool
Just take it all
With my love
Take it all
With my love

Maybe I should leave
To have you see
Nothing is better than this
And this is everything we need
So is it over?
Is this really you’ve given up so easily?
I thought you loved me more than this

I would change if I must
Slow it down and bring it home
I will adjust.
Oh if only, if only you knew
Everything I do
Is for you

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